
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Emma Watson: Kissing Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe ‘got boring’

Harry Potter fans would probably disagree but
Emma Watson claims that puckering up to co-stars
Daniel Radcliffe and
Rupert Grint got ‘quite boring’.

The actress revealed both smooches were ‘equally awkward’ but after the initial discomfort, she started getting bored.

She said at a press conference to promote Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two: ‘It was obviously hard to put our personal history to one side because we did grow up together but I think they don’t mind me saying, if you’ve done this once, four or five times kissing gets quite boring.’

The actress had to kiss Radcliffe in the first part of Deathly Hallows and has to pucker up to Grint in the latest – and final – movie.

She explained: ‘Kissing Dan, kissing Harry in that scene was a figment of Ron’s [Grint] imagination of the worst possible thing he could ever imagine so the kiss had to be passionate.

‘I was half-naked and covered in paint so that was pretty awkward.’
Watson added that kissing Rupert was just as bizarre.

‘We’d just been soaked by an enormous bucket of water which hurt., which we had to pretend we didn’t know was going to happen but we knew was coming.

‘That was equally awkward and weird so both strange situations to be in. Both were complete gentlemen.’

Watson recently admitted that her first teenage crush was her other Harry Potter co-star Tom Felton , who plays Draco Malfoy.

When quizzed if she would have liked to have kissed him in the films, she replied with a firm ‘no’.

She said: ‘His beautiful girlfriend is sitting on the other side of the room so no, I don’t think so.

‘My 12-year-old self would say yes, but my 21-year-old self, no.’

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two premieres in Trafalgar Square tomorrow and the film is released on July 15.
